My saying this week has been "I hate everything and everybody!"
Of course, I really do not hate everything and everybody, but this week has been terrible and my patience and tolerance levels are extremely low! There isn't one specific reason why I have had such a crappy week, but honestly, I am ready for a break and I don't think I've ever been so grateful for a Friday to come!
The stupidest little things have just crushed me lately.. which is the reason why I haven't posted in a while. For example, my super close friends started calling me Minly the other day (short for McKinli). Then they decided it would be funny to turn Minly into Manly... So now when I'm walking down the hall at school, and I hear someone yell "Hey Manly", I know exactly who they're talking about and it embarrasses me so much. No girl should ever be called Manly... So thanks boys:)
... Going along with this, I really don't even care to get ready for school anymore, because there is honestly nobody there that I feel I need to impress.. so lately my outfits have been big hoodies, leggings, and boots. Well, this kid is one of my best friends but it is starting to really bother me because every day at school, he'll ask me why I'm not wearing a cute cardigan like one of my friends, or why I don't have cute boots like some other girl does... and he ALWAYS compares me to another girl.. It serioulsy lowers my self esteem and confidence so much. I just want to be complimented for once for having a different style, instead of trying to look like other girls at school!
Another thing that's been getting to me is boys only like me because they want to cuddle and make out... and hello, I'm not that type of girl. Sure, I think it's cute to cuddle and everything, and yes, I do cuddle with all of my best guy friends more than I probably should, but I'm not the kind of girl that is willing to just cuddle up and kiss every guy that wants to... I hung out with my best friend's buddy the other night and we cuddled while watching a movie (I totally thought it was in the friendly way, and so did everyone else that was there) but turns out all he wanted was to make out with me. He kept asking me to just kiss him, and I wouldn't... and I am extremely proud of myself for not giving in!
One more thing that is bugging me is, one of my best friends and I got in an "argument" over text...But you can't even call it an argument, because it was mostly one sided, and it was about which high school is better..(which is stupid, because he's not even in high school). It started of with me saying how much I love my school and how much he loves Mountain View, but then he went off on how bratty Timp kids were and how much he hates them all.. which didn't bother me that much, until he started swearing at me and calling kids at my school names! ... Then he tried telling me that he still really cares about me and he's always there for me. Like really, boys are worthless...
Anywho, once again, I'm not really sure what the point of this post is. Sometimes a girl just needs to vent to the world.. and I'm hoping at least one person can relate:)
xoxoxo -Mckinli
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